
Wayfinders has produced a few videos of interviews and webinars that may be relevant to your business management interests.


Impact is a short series of interviews with community leaders on subjects related to business success.

Impact interview with Doug Piquette, Executive Director at ERIEC (Edmonton Region Immigrant Employment Council). ERIC staff and mentors help recent immigrants prepare and enter the Edmonton area workforce to make full use of their credentials. This may include self-employment.
Impact interviewed Leo Wong, PhD, Founding Director of the Social Innovation Institute at MacEwan University in Edmonton In January 2020. In this interview Professor Wong discusses local initiatives to create a more innovative climate for social development, including the use of B Corp certification for businesses. B Corps pursue and measure social Benefits in addition to profits. Dr. Wong is now at University of Alberta.
Impact, a Production of Wayfinders Business Co-operative, interviews Barbara McKenzie, former Chief Executive Officer at The Business Link in Edmonton, Alberta. The Business Link provides a variety of supports for small business throughout Alberta.
Wayfinders Randal Adcock interviews Martin Garber-Conrad, retired Chief Executive Officer at Edmonton Community Foundation, focusing primarily on the subject of ‘social finance’. In social finance, profits are used to promote a social or socio-economic purpose.

Wayfinder, Lloyd Kenny says, imagine this scenario: 1) You probably have your life’s savings in a bank account somewhere, your bank cards in your wallet or purse, along with your health care card, birth certificate, passport, social insurance card, and maybe your bank web link is on your cell phone with an automated password. 2) Imagine this scenario: You probably have your life’s savings in a bank account somewhere, your bank cards in your wallet or purse, along with your health care card, birth certificate, passport, social insurance card, and maybe your bank web link is on your cell phone with an automated password. Lloyd covers a range of topics, from home security and protecting your computer to safeguarding credit cards, criminal records, health records, and even discussing synthetic identities, malvertising, real estate title theft, and more.

Resolving Civil Chaos: Systems Change Proposed – Wayfinders President, Randal Adcock, presents an innovative proposal applying system thinking to resolving the very recent and seemingly ever-growing chaos confronting humanity. He attributes the chaos and systems collapse to civil growth and complexity. Wayfinders Business Co-operative has been created as a small business community of trust, helping members navigate the complexities of our modern world.
Five students from Rotman School of Management present their findings on a Social impacts Management project for Wayfinders Business Co-operative. They recommend a process that helps small business owners identify and select key social impact performance indicators that can be used to track and record their performance against social and environmental goals.
During the covid-19 pandemic, or any stressful time, we need to have a conversation about mental health and well-being. Here are some ideas to share from Melissa Halama of Canadian Mental Health Association.
Management and human resources consultant Amanda Knight talks about the critical role of leadership in this webinar.
As a professional consultant in workplace diversity, Wayfinders Litzy Baeza shares her best ideas on the Canadian workplace culture. Of particular interest to new Canadians.
As a national leader in Canada’s co-op sector Hazel Corcoran shares her insights into the world of co-operatives as we find a new normal following the covid-19 pandemic.

Jenny Lucas gives advice and ideas on use and maintenance of your computer.

Seasoned IT Professional Jenny Lucas shares tips and best practices for managing and using your small business computer.

Wayfinders Presentations

The following videos were produced to describe, explain and promote Wayfinders Business Co-operative.

Members of Wayfinders business Co-operative talk about why they like Wayfinders.
Randal Adcock, co-founder and President of Wayfinders Business Co-operative, shares the ideas, mission and vision behind the Wayfinders Business Co-operative, a social enterprise to support the success of small businesses and people in the gig economy.

This is a 40 minute deep dive, philosophical and technical explanation of business co-operatives with an emphasis on Wayfinders Business Co-operative. You will get a fuller picture of how Wayfinders, a business co-operative, is being built to bridge small business members to their business communities and markets, and thereby improve the probability of meaningful success.
Rod Olstad talks to Randal Adcock about Wayfinders Business Co-operative and to Paul Belanger about Calahoo Growers Co-operative.

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