Creating a Job Description for Small Business Owners or Employees

Creating a comprehensive job description is crucial for small business owners to effectively understand and communicate expectations, responsibilities, and qualifications for a particular role within the organization. Whether it’s for themselves as business owners or for hiring new employees, a well-crafted job description serves as a guide for performance evaluation, recruitment, and employee development. In this wiki entry, we will provide step-by-step instructions for small business owners on how to prepare a job description.

1. Determine the Purpose and Scope:

  • Start by identifying the purpose of the job description. Determine whether it’s for an existing role within the organization, a newly created position, or for the business owner themselves. Define the scope of the role and its relationship to other positions within the organization.

2. Outline Key Responsibilities:

  • List the primary responsibilities and duties associated with the role. Be specific and include both day-to-day tasks and long-term objectives. For business owners, this may include strategic planning, financial management, business development, and leadership responsibilities. For employees, consider tasks related to their specific job function, such as sales, marketing, customer service, or operations.

3. Define Required Qualifications and Skills:

  • Identify the qualifications, skills, and experience necessary to perform the job effectively. This may include educational background, professional certifications, technical skills, and relevant work experience. For business owners, highlight entrepreneurial skills, industry expertise, leadership abilities, and business acumen. For employees, specify skills such as communication, problem-solving, teamwork, and industry-specific knowledge.

4. Set Expectations for Performance:

  • Clearly articulate performance expectations and success metrics for the role. Define key performance indicators (KPIs) and measurable objectives that align with the organization’s goals and objectives. This will help evaluate performance and provide feedback for continuous improvement.

5. Include Reporting Structure and Relationships:

  • Describe the reporting structure for the role, including who the position reports to and any direct reports or team members. Outline the relationships and interactions with other departments or individuals within the organization. For business owners, consider interactions with stakeholders, advisors, and external partners.

6. Highlight Company Culture and Values:

  • Emphasize the organization’s culture, values, and mission in the job description. Describe the company’s vision, core values, and workplace culture to attract candidates who align with the organization’s ethos. This will help foster a sense of belonging and alignment with the organization’s goals and values.

7. Review and Refine:

  • Once the job description is drafted, review it carefully to ensure clarity, accuracy, and completeness. Seek input from relevant stakeholders, such as HR professionals, department heads, or business partners. Make any necessary revisions or adjustments based on feedback before finalizing the job description.

Sample Job Description Template:

Note: This is a sample template that can be customized for various roles within the organization.

Job Title: [Insert Job Title]
Reports To: [Insert Reporting Manager/Supervisor]
Location: [Insert Location]
Job Type: [Full-time/Part-time/Contract]
Job Summary:
[Provide a brief overview of the role and its purpose within the organization.]

Key Responsibilities:

  1. [List primary responsibilities and duties]
  2. [List additional responsibilities as needed]
  3. [Continue as necessary]

Qualifications and Skills:

  • [Education level required]
  • [Professional certifications or licenses]
  • [Relevant work experience]
  • [Technical skills or competencies]
  • [Soft skills or interpersonal abilities]

Performance Expectations:

  • [Define key performance indicators (KPIs)]
  • [Set measurable objectives and goals]
  • [Outline criteria for success]

Reporting Structure:

  • [Identify reporting relationships]
  • [Specify direct reports or team members]
  • [Describe interactions with other departments]

Company Culture and Values:

[Highlight the organization’s culture, values, and mission]


By following these steps and using the provided template, small business owners can create effective job descriptions for themselves or their employees. Clear and comprehensive job descriptions help set expectations, guide performance, and attract talented individuals who are aligned with the organization’s goals and values.